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Author: Klaus Lange
Publisher: Springer Vieweg
Language: German-English
Edition: 2019
Keywords: 176,500 terms
With more than 93,000 terms for the combination English-German and more than 83,000 terms for German-English, the Dictionary of Projects Abroad is among the most extensive reference works for the areas of structural engineering, construction and construction law. This dictionary is an extensive and practical travel companion for the successful handling of construction projects abroad and indispensable for anyone who wishes to communicate and negotiate in the field of foreign construction with foreign-speaking construction companies, builders or professional engineers in English. In addition to the main vocabulary of construction and plant engineering, there are expressions from many specialised areas of foreign construction, which in many cases saves the user the trouble of searching in several specialist dictionaries. The work is rounded off with an extensive list of abbreviations in English and a section on ‘numbers in English’. A special feature is the inclusion of expressions for the following contractual conditions: international FIDIC contractual conditions and Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure (German fee ordinance for architects and engineers) (HOAI).