There are up-to-date installations for most dictionaries. With these up-to-date installations, you can also install older dictionaries under a Windows operating system.
Depending on the age of your product, one of the three cases described below applies. Follow the instructions depending on your dictionary.
1. The product is a download dictionary
In this case, you can find the up-to-date installation on the Downloads page.
Enter the start of your serial number there in the search line (up to the first hyphen) and then start the search using the enter key. You can find the download link that relates to your dictionary in the list of hits. Use the link in order to install the up-to-date version.
2. The product is a CD-ROM dictionary with a serial number
In this case, you can find the up-to-date installation that matches your serial number on the Downloads page.
Enter the start of your serial number there in the search line (up to the first hyphen) and then start the search using the enter key. You can find the download link that relates to your dictionary in the list of hits.
In the event that your serial number already relates to a UniLex Pro product (this applies to all dictionaries as from 2008, but also for some older ones as from 2003), the link is an installation as in the above case 1 (file extension “exe”) that you can run immediately.
If your serial number relates to a UniLex product (this applies to some dictionaries published before 2008), then the link contains a ZIP file (file extension “zip”). You have to unpack it and run the installation routine “Setup.exe” included there. Then you must ensure that you retrieve and run the program update relating to your dictionary. You can find this program update on the Downloads page if you select “UniLex updates” among the categories and then click on the “Refine search” button. Download the update that matches your dictionary and run the installation.
3. The product is a CD-ROM dictionary without serial number
In this case, there is no installation in the download area, but you may be able to use the dictionary on your current operating systems with the program update. First, you have to install the dictionary with the CD-ROM. Then you must ensure that you retrieve and run the program update relating to your dictionary. You can find this program update on the Downloads page if you select “UniLex updates” among the categories and then click on the “Refine search” button. Download the update that matches your dictionary and run the installation.
In the case of dictionaries from before the year 2000, this process may fail. Then please feel free to contact us, but we assume no guarantee for this.