Functional overview for the SIMQIN XML editor
XML and Word
Today, XML is a widespread standard in multi-media and cross-platform publishing of technical documentation. Many editing programs, management systems and publication tools, as well as many industry standards, are now based on XML. Nevertheless, XML has not yet been able to break through in all areas, because the format has a very clear separation between the structure and the layout of documents. Editors still prefer to work with word processors such as Microsoft Word: here, the text and the document layout are created almost simultaneously and can be immediately checked on screen. Working with XML, on the other hand, requires a sense of the abstract – the text flow is broken up by tags of the document structure. The layout only follows at a further stage in production.
Convenient operation via WYSIWYG
SimQin from Acolada is editor software that is based on the functionality and layout of Microsoft Word 2007/2010. It means that the structure-focused XML is at last linked with “WYSIWYG” functionality of modern Office applications. SimQin shows the document in layout mode from the outset. Additionally, however, the XML document structure and organisation are made visible. Users have the option of accessing authoring systems such as Sirius CMS directly from the program.
Style definitions for the appearance
SimQin supports any document structure that has been declared in an XML catalogue. With SIMQIN Styler you can create style templates and thus connect XML structure and layout. Beneath document, paragraph and character styles, you can also individually configure the operating elements of the interface for every document structure. SimQin then dynamically adapted to varying document structures.
Intuitive usage by all user groups
Editors used to working with Microsoft Word can set character and paragraph styles in the document with the corresponding buttons. Tables, lists and graphics can be inserted just as easily. At the same time, with the WYSIWYG interface, the layout always remains in view. SimQin, however, only allows edits and formatting changes if they are valid according to the XML document structure. That way, editors can be sure that the document created is valid against the XML structure.
Users with knowledge of XML will not only appreciate the structure view of their document, but also the path information for the item currently being edited. Structuring takes place via a context menu that displays allowed elements, thus enabling easy editing.