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Author: Armin Mutscheller, Rupert Livesey
Publisher: PONS GmbH
Language: German-English
Edition: 2005
Keywords: 40,000 headwords and phrases
The PONS: Specialist dictionary for banking, finance and insurance (German-English/English-German) contains specialist vocabulary. Approx. 40,000 specialist terms and idioms have been collected from the fields of banking, monetary systems, stock exchange and securities trading, financial and capital markets, insurance, tax and public finance, accounting, company controlling and financing, as well as from related areas. The specialist vocabulary was obtained by analysing business reports, specialist publications, stock market publications and business magazines. In addition to the translation, each specialist term has a compact definition of the meaning and the relevant subject area is indicated on every headword. British and US language variants are included in equal measure and indicated as such.